Services Root Administrator
- maro
- shahrul
- tengkorak
- zairi
- mycine
Services Administrator
- Senpai
- Kurt_Cobain
- Mega
- megat
- ia

By connecting to KampungChat Network, you agree that you do not threaten the security of the network, server and/or its users by participating in and/or encouraging activities such as, but not limited to:
- Floodingy
- Advertising & Marketing
- Harassment
- Sexual Harassment
- Abuse of any kind
- Spreading of fake news
- Religious and political hate speech
- Pornography
- Child Pornography
- Fraud or fraudulent activities
or any other form of action and/or activity that KampungChat deems unacceptable or harmful to its network, staff, users, and/or services. If you are found to be breaking any rules, we reserve the right to forcefully ban and/or eject you from the network and, if necessary, provide logs, your IP address, and any other evidence that may be requested to the authorities.
Failure to abide by these rules & policies will result in a server or network-wide ban.
We reserve the right to deny access to this server/network to any user, host, or site without warning or need for explanation.

Monitor | Status | 7 days |
athena.kampungchat.org | Online | 99.68% | kcfm.kampungchat.org | Online | 99.889% | etnies.kampungchat.org | Online | 99.947% | kaos.kampungchat.org | Online | 99.752% | lowyat.kampungchat.org | Online | 99.622% | rilek.kampungchat.org | Online | 99.814% | uworld.kampungchat.org | Online | 100% |

Total: 561